Our Food Store products include a wide selection of certified organic fruits, vegetables, salad greens and culinary herbs. We also have Red Brown, Black, White Organic Rice varieties, Rainforest Organic Coffee and Organic Free range chicken and eggs.
Aside from fresh organic produce, we also support and encourage other local food entrepreneurs to use organic, healthy ingredients – those free from artificial additives, preservatives, colors, flavors, sweeteners, hydrogenated fats – and feature those products at the Healthy Pantry section in our stores.
Our food stores also serve as a channel for educating consumers about the benefits and values of organic farming. Fresh Start is taking the initiative to raise people's awareness about organic agriculture, food safety and environmental conservation.

After discovering our passion for growing organic foods, Fresh Start created our very own organic food stores in order to be able to share with others the pleasure of fresh, healthy, chemical-free foods. All the products in the stores are definitely fresh – they're brought straight to the stores after they're harvested.
The food stores are also a way for us to strengthen our ties with other committed, passionate organic farmers and to encourage them to continue growing organic products. Our strong relationships allow us to work together and offer an even larger selection of produce to our consumers, all at fair prices for both parties. We also help the farmers in monitoring their products to be sure they adhere to the organic standards.